Monday, September 04, 2006

s|ice: One Year, One Flesh

Today marks Naomi's and my one year anniversary. We took the train down to Portland for a four day weekend. [It's nice to have a holiday right around a special personal date.] We moseyed around the downtown area with no real plans; stopped by Saturday Market, went to the the zoo, swung by Powells. We also rented a '06 mustang convertible and drove to Cannon Beach and went horseback riding. [Quote of the day: "That's not a hose" as I hear the sound of gushing water... uhm... urine coming from behind me.] The whole trip was very relaxing as we got to enjoy each other with out business. We exchanged gifts of an Animaniacs DVD, Teva amphibian shoes, Relevant Magazine subscription, a ring, A Collision, some other clothing items, and the trip in itself.

The theme of the David Crowder Band CD is "When our depravity meets His divinity it is a beautiful collision." This is possibly never so more displayed as in marriage. The past year has been wonderful and painful [though only one night on the couch] as our being made whole wrestles with God's faithfulness. [Ps.33.22: Love us God with all you've got - that's what we're depending on.] I think this upcoming year I'd like to look at marriage more as it truly is... a gift or a privilege... not a right. In many ways I don't deserve Naomi and she doesn't deserve me, but we were blessed for whatever reason with each other and need to take up daily our crosses with the responsibility of being a husband and a wife.

So if you ever see me being more than a moment assy towards Nay, remind me of Christ and His Church... or remind me of the vows I spoke to her and that I need to be a man of integrity and trust Jesus for strength and grace to love.

When you can't find peace and rest
I will lead you to the refuge
When your feet are worn from walking
I will hold you and carry you home
When you break down
I will come out and find you
I will be your hands when you have no strength
Your eyes when you cannot see
Your voice when you cannot speak
And the one that loves you
When you act unlovable
I will remind you
That Jesus is your first love
That the Holy Spirit is within you
And that God the Father adores you
I will see to understand you
With all my heart - I pledge my life to you


Anonymous said...

congratulations justin and nay.
you guys are one of the most beautiful married couples i know.

i am so envious of your trip! it sounds awesome!! i can't wait to see you both.

Anonymous said...
