Monday, March 05, 2007

rant: Taxes

Every year, as April 15th comes around, I look forward to the following weeks where I will get a check in the mail from Uncle Sam saying, “Thanks for giving us some of your money! Here, you can have some back now.” While I don’t jump with joy as I crunch the numbers with Mr. 1040, I’m not really angry or depressed with the IRS because once a year they send me three of four hundred smackers that, while technically mine, I never possessed.

However, this year, for some unknown reason, Naomi and I get to give the IRS about three hundred clams. It’s a first… hopefully a last. Don Miller said that one thing paying taxes can do for you is help you to not hold on too tightly to that which doesn’t matter in the end. Listen to the meaty part of the interview on the Relevant podcast for some other nuggets from Miller time.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm avoiding doing my taxes this year for that very reason. :o) Hey, I recieved the CD. What can I say? You definitly rock. Thanks Justin

Anonymous said...

No, I didn't recieve the message about the group blog. Try again.