Sunday, December 10, 2006

s|ice: Surprise

Well, Naomi did it... she kept a secret from me.

Naomi and I were at her parents' house yesterday to pick up a dress for a Christmas party and do some other odds and ends in visiting. A few minutes after we arrived her dad asked if there was somebody meeting us here cause there was a strange van in the driveway. Being in the middle of no where [as her parents live on the side of a mountain][reference: The Village], I didn't think much of it. Maybe somebody was lost on the back roads or maybe some kids were looking for a make-out spot. I took a glance out the window and saw two guys with panty hose on their heads running for the front door. I recognized immediately the swagger and blurred face of Dow and knew my demise was coming. Switching into survival mode I tried to lock the front door but the deadbolt needed a key. In an instant I jetted out the back door in my socks and pajama pants [sorry to the women and children mentality - I knew what the "terrorists" were coming for]. I ran up the hill and around the old trailer [it was raining by the way] and saw the van that had come to take me away sitting there, unoccupied, still running. Like any good man who has seen enough action movies, I turned the tables on the villains and stole their getaway vehicle. Unfortunately, as I was puttering around a few minutes later, a camouflaged man [Tuoc] came out of the woods and pulled me out of the driver side door, placed a covering over my head and shoved me in the back. Game over.

Naomi setup my birthday kidnapping which eventually led to me and 11 buds playing paintball. It was something I've been wanting to do for some time and it was great to have so many guys there. We had fun shooting each other, giving each other welts [I count three], and just being guys for a few hours. The only thing that would have made the paintballing better would have been fog-free goggles... but hey, sometimes you can be braver when you can't see what's around you [I got the flag two out of the three games.]


Anonymous said...

yeah Mark told me that story of the "Bungled Kidnapping".... too bad the guys weren't on time and by the side of the road "broken down" adn waiting for your "help" like they were supposed to be...

When I heard what you did, I thought, that is SO Justin. Good on ya for the birthday bungling, I say...

Anonymous said...

hurrah for naomi for pulling this off! how great...

it reminds me so of justin adventures....